The “Red, Hot and Sassy” Dance
Saturday, February 9, 2019 · 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM
Albuquerque Square Dance Center
Come celebrate Valentine's Day this year with Balboa lessons by Yulia and Arron, who performed this dance at the Winter Ball, and by enjoying the red hot dance floor! But you be the red by wearing something red to this annual event!
We will be taking our annual group picture for the website - so be sure to wear RED!
Our Saturday dances feature lots of dancers, a variety of music, a huge hardwood floor, refreshments, and are open for dancers of all ages.
The cost of our Saturday dances is $5 for members and $8 for non-members.
You will receive $1 off admission if you are wearing RED (or mostly red & pink). Correct change ($4) is always appreciated to speed check in!
Our variety dances use the combined halls to make one of the biggest dance floors in the state.
The lesson, which is for all levels of dancers, will begin at 7:15.